Aug 2, 2011

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Trust Facebook.

It's one of the most powerful communications tool on the planet. Over 600 million people in over 200 countries subscribe to facebook. Millions log on daily to share their lives, their personal information, their likes and dislikes, and their photos. They have identified their friends, where they shop, books they like to read, as well as a myriad of other details. THIS is what makes facebook worth over 10 billion dollars. It's not the program itself, it's all the data that is stored on over 600 million people. It is a marketer's dream to have access to all that data. That is why it is worth billions.

Most facebook users assume that when they want, they can delete or inactivate their account and all that information that they shared for many years will go away. Wrong. It is stored on computer servers for ever, or at least until the earth disolves. And there are a lot of people who would love to get their hands on all that information. And someday, someone who has malicious intent, may get their hands on information of over 1 billion people. It might even be 2 billion by then or more. Imagine the power behind being able to also communicate with so many people using one medium? Barak Obama used it well during his presidential campaign and it changed the world ever since. We saw the Arab spring in 2011 result in the overthrow of governments using powerful social media tools like facebook.

Are you prepared to have your information potentially used by someone or an organization that could use it against you? They would have plenty of data to find you guilty of say, your religious beliefs, or your political slant. And users thought those "conversations" were limited to their select group of friends. Little did they know that facebook stores every piece of data that they enter into the site and store it for "future use" or "sale".  And facebook will eventually be sold. It may be purchased by a wealthy Russian oligarchy or a Saudi sheik or even...dare say...the antichrist! Can you imagine? Talk about malicious intent! Don't think it can't happen. People are generally evil by nature and if there is money to be made and greed and power overtakes an individual, they are able to go to incredible lengths to accomplish their purposes. Just look at Adolf Hitler as an example and his Nazi empire. He would have loved to have social media tools like facebook to "take over the world". There are still many people and even religions out there that would like to achieve world domination and most believe in achieving it using any method possible. 

So the next time you log in to facebook, consider the long-term consequences. Sure there is short-term opportunity, but when the tables turn, you may wish you had never heard of facebook. Remember how they have changed their privacy settings and policy somewhat secretly? Let the user beware!!

What do you think? Is fasebook safe to use? Should it be trusted? If so, who are you trusting? Ask yourself this question each time you log onto facebook, "Is facebook 'safebook'"? Don't trust facebook. And certainly don't trust their privacy policy which can change like the direction of the wind.