Sep 27, 2012

Good health: If you have it, you have everything.

In the country of Morocco, there is a saying "If you have your health, you have everything."  There is definitely some truth in that. Would you rather be rich and sick or poor and healthy? You might be saying to yourself that if you were rich, you could go to doctors and get healthy. But can you really? Can you buy good health? Sure, you can buy medicine, and buy treatment for ailments. And money can probably extend your life, but what will the quality of that life look like? Is living a few extra years with failing health better than living a shorter life but living a more healthy and active life? 

Ah, that decision is up to each individual person. What people put into their mouths to consume as food is their choice. Rich people have access to the fanciest foods. Poor people have access to the basics like beans and bread. There are consequences to what we eat. As they say, you are what we eat. By the year 2030, 50% of all Americans will be obese! The richest nation on earth will be the fattest and unhealthiest peoples on the planet! And Europe won't be far behind. Health care costs will sky rocket. The people of the nation will cry out for government to take care of their health care needs. They won't want to pay for the consequences of years of poor diet. They won't want to deny themselves the oral orgasms that they are addicted to. They can't stop the sugar rush. They have lost all self control. They don't care - until they get sick. 

Paying for quality health care is expensive. Americans won't want to pay for it out of their own pocket. They will demand that the government give them a health bail out. But it will be too late. Years of abuse of the physical body has long-term consequences. Young people need to think about this today. New healthy eating habits must begin now and they need to begin at home with the parents. The best way for parents to teach their kids how to eat right is to set the example themselves. 

Ultimately the inability to curb one's appetite is a spiritual problem. It is the dependency upon food rather than God, to make them happy or give them comfort. What do you think? Please give your opinion.